Friday, December 10, 2010

Gratitude, Happy for this holiday and a new me in the new Year !

I am so excited for the upcoming new year, as I have been researching reconstruction, and look forward to finally after all these years, completing my plan for my new breasts which will make me feel like a new woman again.

I was unable to go straight to reconstruction after my diagnosis, due to various reasons, but now I am able. Whole and feminine, and I know it will do wonders for my attitude and outlook for my future. It can be daunting at times, due to all the decisions that have to be made, and trusting in someone whom will do the job correctly and perfectly. That in it self is a great feat I am sure, especially if you're a perfectionist like me.

I know I will be successful in the end and all will be well again with me, as I go on in a new chapter in my life.

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