Saturday, July 24, 2010

Liver Detoxifying Lemon-Olive Oil Drink

Let me first say I am not a doctor. I'm a person with cancer always seeking solutions to some of the effects I feel from my chemo treatments I receive on a weekly basis. So I will try this and let you know if it helps with my inability to sleep at times.


(Rapidly heals Neuropathy and promotes weight gain by detoxifying the liver and normalizing saliva pH values)

Into a blender, add 1/2 a lemon (cut-up) including the rind and pulp. Be sure to first wash the lemon well and scrape off markings from artificial coloring. To the blender, add the cut up lemon plus one Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and one cup of orange or other fruit juice. Blend at high speed for one minute. Pour through a strainer (screen type) to remove pulp. Use a spatula to press the pulp. Discard the pulp.

Drink it all at once.

If you have problems sleeping, drink it just before you retire to your bedroom at night. It will help you get a good night’s sleep. The drink's therapeutic value comes from the whole lemon and the extra-virgin olive oil. The orange juice or other fruit juice is added as a sweetener.

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